Q: Where is Velour Luxe located?

A: At this time, we are online based only. Our fulfillment center is located in Maryland, US, and all orders are shipped from this location.

Q: How can I pay for my order?

A: We have several payment options. We accept all major credit/ debit cards (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express.) We also offer alternative payment options such as Meta Pay, Apple Pay, and buy now pay later options with Afterpay and ShopPay.

Q: Can I make changes to my order?

A: A part of our customer service promise is to process all orders as quickly as possible, always within our two-day window. Because of this, we are unable to modify or cancel orders once they are confirmed. 

Q: Do you accept returns and exchanges?

A: At this time, we do not accept returns and exchanges unless there was an error on our part. For more info, please visit our returns and exchanges policy

Q: How long will it take to receive my order?

A: All orders are normally processed same day, but within two days except for holidays and weekends. Shipping is determined by the carrier; however, we do provide estimated delivery dates at checkout. A reasonable expectation (from our perspective) is a 7-day turnaround time from placing an order to receiving an order. 

Q: What is the status of my order?

A: We notify you by email during each step of the fulfillment process. You will receive the following emails to ensure you stay up-to-date and informed:

1. Order Received/ confirmed 

2. Order Processed/ shipped/ on the way (tracking provided during this step)

3. Order Out for delivery 

4. Order Delivered

Please be advised that once your order is received by the carrier, we release all liability, and you will need to contact the carrier for all delivery inquiries.